Courses by Categories


Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Living at the Source – July 2024

Join this inspiring course and learn how to cultivate a contemplative life and a depth of equanimity and balance stemming from the recognition of Divinity in both the good and misfortune of life’s experiences.


Who Am I? — Discover Atmabodha: The Path to Self-Realization with Rukmini Chaitanya – July 2024

Embark on a transformative journey through the profound teachings of Atmabodha, the timeless scripture of Self-Knowledge. This course offers a comprehensive exploration of Atmabodha, guiding participants towards Self-Realization and spiritual enlightenment.


Mind: Its Mysteries & Control with Rukmini Chaitanya – July 2024

Discover the practical tools used for thousands of years by sages that you can start using immediately in your daily routine to help you gain mastery over your mind and therefore, mastery over your life.


Mantra Mastery: The Art and Science of Japa Yoga Meditation with Rukmini Chaitanya – July 2024

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of mantra meditation with our comprehensive online course, "Mantra Mastery: The Art and Science of Japa Yoga Meditation." Led by Rukmini Chaitanya, a seasoned practitioner and teacher with over 20 years of experience, this course offers an in-depth exploration of Japa Yoga and its multifaceted practices.


Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self with Swami Brahmananda – June 2024

Join this 12 weeks course with Swami Brahmananda to learn the Vedanta teachings on the oneness of all existence, the knowledge of the Upanishads, the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows us the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The study of Vedanta frees us from our limiting ideas about oneself and the world.


Meditation Know How with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya – July 2024

In this course, you will learn everything you need to know in order to become established in your practice of meditation. Jnaneshwari Chaitanya will guide you into practices with personal attention and will be available for questions and personal guidance.


An Ocean of Song: Mantra, Poetry, and Creative Practice

Dive into the exploration of poetry, creativity and kirtan with Jahnavi and her accompanying musicians who together will lead you through a joyful and deep experience.


Brihadaranyaka Upanishad Immersion – May 2024

An immersion in the traditional study of Vedanta offering a deep dive into the Upanishads.


Sadhana Challenge – The Art of Inspired Living with Swami Paramananda- June 2024

This Sadhana Challenge will support participants in cultivating a strong daily habit of practicing Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation. In addition, we will systematically cultivate healthy habits and positive thinking, gratitude, kindness, and joy.


The Light of Hatha Yoga: Taking Your Practice to a Deeper Level – Study & Practice of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika with Swami Paramananda – May 2024

Join this special 12-week course with Swami Paramananda where you will learn how to take your Asana and Pranayama practice to the next level. This course includes the practice of Asana, Pranayama, and the study of the sacred text - the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.


Self-Surrender and Self-Knowledge Cultivating Equanimity and Non-Attachment with Swami Brahmananda – May 2024

Join this 12-week course with Swami Brahmananda to learn what makes our spiritual life fulfilling and fully integrated with our everyday activities. Throughout this course you will learn how to overcome emotional disturbances and attachments and gain tools to cultivate mental equanimity and inner strength based on the teachings of Yoga and Vedanta as taught in the Bhagavad Gita. The teachings and practices are meant for new and experienced students alike.


The Bhagavad Gita: The Yoga Of Meditation with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya – May 2024

Join this course and learn how to apply the teachings in your daily life!! With over twenty years of ashram life and teaching experience, Jnaneshwari Chaitanya will guide you through the teaching of this sacred text with clarity, love, and enthusiasm. Before starting the immersion into chapter 6, an introduction will be provided so that everyone can move forward together!


Aparokshanubhuti: A Journey to Self-Discovery with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya – April 2024

Aparokshanubhuti is a profound Vedanta text attributed to the great 8th-century Adi Shankaracharya, known for consolidating and revitalizing the non-dualistic philosophy (Advaita Vedanta). It emphasizes the unity of the individual soul (Atman) with the ultimate reality (Brahman).


The Heart of the Bhagavad Gita: Uplift Your Mind and Soul with Rukmini Chaitanya – May 2024

Chapter 17 of the Bhagavad Gita provides a comprehensive framework for personal transformation and spiritual growth. By incorporating its teachings into daily life, individuals can navigate challenges, cultivate virtues, and ultimately transform their lives for the better.


Mandukya Upanishad Immersion – March 2024

Swamini Atmaprakashananda will teach Mandukya Upanishad with Gaudapada Karika and Shankaracharya Bhashya. Come learn these potent teachings as inspiration for moving into your new year with clarity and purpose.


Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Practical Guide Karma, Evolution & Transcendence – April 2024

Learn timeless teachings and valuable practices from the most important text for the yogis, the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Swami Brahmananda will offer an in-depth study on the process of Karma and how the practices of meditation help us to evolve from being bound by experiences to gaining wisdom and freedom.


Who Am I? — Discover Atmabodha: The Path to Self-Realization with Rukmini Chaitanya April 2024

Embark on a transformative journey through the profound teachings of Atmabodha, the timeless scripture of Self-Knowledge. This course offers a comprehensive exploration of Atmabodha, guiding participants towards Self-Realization and spiritual enlightenment.


Mind: Its Mysteries & Control with Rukmini Chaitanya – March 2024

Discover the practical tools used for thousands of years by sages that you can start using immediately in your daily routine to help you gain mastery over your mind and therefore, mastery over your life.


Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self with Swami Brahmananda – March 2024

Join this 12 weeks course with Swami Brahmananda to learn the Vedanta teachings on the oneness of all existence, the knowledge of the Upanishads, the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows us the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The study of Vedanta frees us from our limiting ideas about oneself and the world.


Self Mastery Through Thought Power with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya – March 2024

Join this 12 week course with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya to enrich your life with inspiration and tools for cultivating a powerful, positive and radiant mind. The instructive knowledge this course imparts carries in itself a life-transforming value.

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