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Upcoming Online Programs


Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Living at the Source – July 2024

Join this inspiring course and learn how to cultivate a contemplative life and a depth of equanimity and balance stemming from the recognition of Divinity in both the good and misfortune of life’s experiences.


Who Am I? — Discover Atmabodha: The Path to Self-Realization with Rukmini Chaitanya – July 2024

Embark on a transformative journey through the profound teachings of Atmabodha, the timeless scripture of Self-Knowledge. This course offers a comprehensive exploration of Atmabodha, guiding participants towards Self-Realization and spiritual enlightenment.

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Learn From a Traditional Lineage

Swami Vishnudevananda with his master, Swami Sivananda (at left) on the banks of the Ganges in Rishikesh, India. Swami Vishnudevananda went on to found and direct the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres worldwide.

Since 1968, Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Bahamas has been a leading destination for people seeking a spiritual environment to study and practice yoga and develop a healthy lifestyle. Learn more about this authentic lineage of classical yoga.

We are looking forward to the next time we can host you for a Teacher Training, Yoga Vacation Program, Course, or Professional Training. Find out more here.

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