The Bhagavad Gita: The Yoga Of Wisdom & Realization with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya – August 2024

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August 26 – November 4, 2024

The Bhagavad Gita: The Yoga Of Wisdom & Realization

Jnaneshwari Chaitanya

12 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Mondays, 4:00-5:30pm ET

If you wish to encounter the most profound, sublime, and soul-stirring spiritual truths, this is the course for you!

“ In the whole world literature there is no book so elevating and inspiring as the Gita. It is an inexhaustible spiritual treasure. It is an ocean of knowledge. It is a universal scripture for people of all temperaments and for all times.”

~ Swami Sivananda

One of the most inspiring books in the world, the Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna, which took place about 5,300 years ago. This dialog is a universal gospel that appeals to all irrespective of age, race, or religion. It has a universality that embraces every aspect of human life and which suits and elevates every stage of human development.

Millions of people around the world study the Gita and daily find solace, meaning and inner peace through the teachings contained in it. Begin your study and enjoy the benefits!

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This inspiring course will focus on chapter 7 which teaches the most profound teachings about the nature of Divine Wisdom and how it can be attained!

Chapter 7 of the Bhagavad Gita is known as “Jnana Vijnana Yoga” or “The Yoga of Wisdom And Realization.” This chapter delves into the profound aspects of divine knowledge and wisdom. Lord Krishna unveils the nature of the Supreme Being and explains how understanding and devotion can lead to spiritual liberation. This chapter marks a pivotal point in the Bhagavad Gita, where the focus shifts from individual duties and righteousness to a deeper exploration of the divine essence and the path to transcendence. It serves as a guide for seekers on the path to spiritual enlightenment, offering profound insights into the nature of the Supreme and the means to attain eternal peace and bliss.

Key Teachings

Nature of the Supreme Being:

  • Krishna reveals Himself as the source of both the material and spiritual worlds.
  • He explains that everything in the universe emanates from His divine energy, emphasizing His omnipresence and omnipotence.
Four Types of Devotees:
  • Krishna identifies four categories of devotees based on their motivations: the distressed, those seeking material gain, the inquisitive, and those seeking knowledge of the Absolute.
  • Among these, those who seek knowledge of the Absolute (jnanis) are considered the highest as they worship Krishna with pure understanding and devotion.
Material and Spiritual Realms:
  • Krishna distinguishes between the transient, suffering-filled material world and the eternal, blissful spiritual realm.
  • Understanding this distinction is crucial for those seeking liberation.
Mayan and the Three Gunas:
  • Krishna explains the concept of Maya (illusion) and how it binds souls to the material world through the three gunas (sattva, rajas, and tamas).
  • These modes of nature influence human behavior and perception, creating attachments and delusions.
Devotion and Surrender:
  • Krishna emphasizes the importance of devotion (bhakti) and complete surrender to Him as the path to overcoming Maya and the gunas.
  • He assures that those who worship Him with unwavering faith and devotion will transcend material bondage and attain liberation.
Rarity of True Knowledge:
  • Krishna acknowledges that truly understanding His divine nature is rare and that most people are deluded by material desires.
  • Only those who surrender to Him and seek refuge can gain true knowledge and wisdom.
Path to Liberation:
  • The chapter underscores the significance of knowledge (jnana) combined with wisdom (vijnana) in realizing the Supreme Being.
  • It teaches that through dedicated practice of devotion and spiritual discipline, one can achieve eternal peace and liberation.

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Join this course and learn how to apply the teachings in your daily life!! With over twenty years of ashram life and teaching experience, Jnaneshwari Chaitanya will guide you through the teaching of this sacred text with clarity, love, and enthusiasm. Before starting the immersion into chapter 7, an introduction will be provided so that everyone can move forward together.

What People Are Saying About Jnaneshwari Chaitanya...

"I have been studying the Bhagavad Gita with Jnaneshwari continuously in a small group setting for the past 2 years and it has been a transformative life experience for me. I am able to have more control of my emotions, feel less anxious about life, am less judgmental, and fully trust that all that happens to me is for my growth ultimately. The sublime teachings taught with repetition from week to week allows me to learn drop by drop, and Jnaneshwari makes it so enjoyable. Each week the class engages in a 90 minute discourse where we are free to ask as many questions as necessary to understand the language of the text. I have also learned that the study happens over time and each week’s teaching builds on the previous week. Patience, humility, understanding, forgiveness self and others, self-control, and trust are some of the virtues that have been improved in my life over the past 2 years. I look forward to this precious time weekly with my classmates new and old"
- Maya F.
"Thanks to her excellent instruction style and depth of teaching, I am happy to say that I now am in my fourth Bhagavad Gita class with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya and looking forward to the next. She brings a shining enthusiasm and extensive knowledge to every class. Even though I started in the middle of the Gita discourses, a very helpful overview was provided so that I never felt lost or confused. "
- Leslie S.
"I absolutely love Gita's course by Jnaneswari Chaitanya. Can't wait every Monday to hear her teaching. Her voice is so calming, when you listen to her, you feel like a reborn. My first course led by her was in February after I found an advertisement for the ashram on Instagram. 6 weeks later I was 100% sure that I would love to participate in the next course. And here I am : more peaceful, caring and loving woman on her spiritual path surrounded by great teachers as Jnaneshwari! Thank you! "
- Nelly M.
"I completed my yoga teachers training in 2000 at the Ashram in Bahamas and although the Bhagavad Gita was part of the curriculum, I can honestly say I didn't really understand or appreciate it. As life got more complex and and the world seemed increasingly fragile I felt drawn to spiritual teachings that could offer some explanation of our true purpose here, along with tools to separate things that are important from those which are not. I enrolled in the online course taught by Jnaneshwari Chaitanya , which explores the Gita, in-depth, chapter by chapter. Jnaneshwari is a compassionate teacher who can explain complex ideas clearly and at a pace that allows for a deep understanding of the concepts. It still amazes me that words that were written over five thousand years ago can help make sense of the struggles that the world currently faces, while giving us a blueprint for keeping our own equilibrium. Although it would be lovely to be able to be at the Ashram, the online course allows for a weekly "visit" without all the travel that a trip would entail. I highly recommend this course taught by Jnaneshwari."
- Sheila M.

Additional Information:

Offered as 12 weekly sessions on Mondays, August 26, September 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, October 7, 14, 21, 28 & November 4, 11 from 4:00 – 5:30 pm ET.

This program is offered live through Zoom webinar with the availability for students to interact through Q&A with the presenter.

For enrolled students, a video recording will be available after each class in the event you miss a class or would like to review the content.

It is possible to register and take the course at any time. You can catch up on any classes you miss with the recordings.

Requirements and Recommendations:

Jnaneshwari Chaitanya

Jnaneshwari Chaitanya is a senior teacher of the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers. She joined the Sivananda organization in 2001 and was initiated into Brahmacharya in 2016.

An experienced and devoted practitioner of Yoga, meditation and philosophical studies, she regularly teaches Yoga and Vedanta in the ashram programs and the Bhagavad Gita in Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Courses. Jnaneshwari Chaitanya is known for her clear and pure way of communicating yogic knowledge and its application in daily life.

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