Subscribe to Our New Online Course Library

Since the onset of the pandemic Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat has been closed to guests. To continue to fulfill our mission of spreading the teachings of Yoga and Vedanta the ashram has created an online program of courses on a variety of topics to help you stay healthy and inspired during these challenging times.
Due to the financial hardship of being closed the ashram has decided to share full access to our online course library for a substantially reduced rate. From now until December 15, 2020 you can subscribe with huge savings.
Do you feel anxious, depressed, or worried? Are you overwhelmed by the state of the world and how people are relating to each other? Are you wondering what you can do to actually help the world instead of simmering in your own thoughts and fears?
Spiritual Growth isn't a Mystery, it's a Practice
When you study with the ashram you tap into a stream of knowledge that has been passed down from teacher to student for thousands of years. This wisdom provides the framework for a happy and peaceful life. Based on the teachings of Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnudevananda the ashram has created digital courses including:
- The Science of Happiness
- Essentials of Meditation
- Stress Management Through Yogic Practices
- Essentials of Yoga I: Create a Daily Home Practice
- Essentials of Yoga II: Deepen Your Practice
- Adaptive Yoga: Yoga is for Everyone!
- Foundations of Vedanta
- and more...
When you purchase a subscription you gain access to all the courses in our library plus all the courses that we add during the duration of your subscription.
This is 60+ hours of content from your favorite teachers at the ashram. You used to have to travel to The Bahamas to receive these teachings but now you can learn from anywhere in the world.
These unprecedented times require that we adapt, adjust, and accommodate to continue to share this precious knowledge which is OK because spiritual evolution is why we are here.
What You Will Learn from Our Courses
- Practical methods to positively transform your way of thinking
- The building blocks for a strong meditation practice
- A routine of essential yoga postures and their adaptations for those who need them
- How to benefit from better breathing and systematically develop your pranayama practice at home
- Methods to align your body for optimal well being, how to de-stress, and how to relax
- The foundational teachings of Vedanta in an easily approachable manner
- How to use thought-power for healing and releasing limiting beliefs and habits
- The roots of suffering and bondage so you can free yourself from them
- You will also address important questions about who we are and why we are here
The Benefits of These Teachings
- Get rid of old, self-defeating habits and build new discipline and strength
- Overcome negative emotions, like anger, depression, or anxiety
- Tune the body, building strength, balance, and physical intelligence
- Increase focus and concentration, prevent feeling “stressed out”
- Enhanced health and happiness, become more centered and fulfilled
- Build confidence and self-esteem to cope with life’s challenges
- Radiate strength and vitality and support those around you
- Overcome habitual and intrusive thoughts and habits to find healing and happiness
- Open intuition and increase creativity
What Graduates of our Online Courses are Saying...
Bonus Included with Your Subscription

When you sign up for any subscription you will also be sent a digital copy of our Online Course Companion. With this you will be able to learn how to chant the opening and closing mantras in Sanskrit. The meaning of the prayers are also included in English.
These are powerful mantras that will remove obstacles to learning, bring the blessings of the deities, connect you to the lineage, and ground your spiritual practice.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is included in my subscription? When you purchase your subscription you will be automatically enrolled in all of the courses in our online library. You will also find new courses added to your account as they become available.
Q: How can I see what is currently in the library? Online Course Library
Q: How often will you be adding new courses? We expect to be adding at least two new courses to the library each month.
Q: How much time do I need to take a course? Most of the courses in the library consist of 4 or 5 video sessions of 90-minutes each. So our courses generally take about 6 – 7.5 hours to complete.
Q: Can I complete the courses at my own pace? Yes. Because the classes are pre-recorded you can watch them when you have time. These teachings fit into your schedule no matter what you have going on right now.
Q: What devices can I use to take the courses? You can use any computer or mobile device that is connected to the internet with a strong enough connection to stream videos.
Q: Are there any additional materials for these courses? Yes. Some of the courses will have downloadable course materials and hand-outs. It varies between teachers and courses and whether the course is more practical or theoretical.
Q: Will I actually be on my yoga mat for these courses, or are they lecture format? Both. The courses in our library consist of both yoga practice and theory depending on the subject.
Q: How are these courses different from the live courses the ashram offers? These courses differ from the online programs because they are pre-recorded. You can take them at your own pace without any pre-determined class times.
Q: What if I have a question for the teacher of one of the courses? You can forward your questions to [email protected] and it will be sent to the teacher you have a question for.
Q: What’s your refund policy? We want you to be fully satisfied with your subscription. If you are not happy with it please contact [email protected] within 30 days of purchase for a full refund
Special Introductory Rate until December 15, 2020
Full Access Online Library
3 Months-
Average Monthly Price $33
New courses added monthly
Learn with expert yoga teachers
Full Access Online Library
6 Months-
Average Monthly Price $30
New courses added monthly
Learn with expert yoga teachers
More total courses than 3 month subscription
Full Access Online Library
12 Months-
Average Monthly Price $25
New courses added monthly
Learn with expert yoga teachers
More total courses than 6 month subscription
49% Savings!
Take the Next Part of Your Journey with Us
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